⇦ | dolphin-plugins [main]
Last updated on: 2021-12-22 06:11 [UTC]

Hints for dolphin-plugins in main

org.kde.dolphin_plugins ⚙ amd64


  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:53 - Dolphini lõimimine versioonihaldussüsteemide, Dropboxi ja kettatõmmistega.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:54 - Dolphin-en bateratzea berrikuspen kontrol sistemekin, Dropbox-ekin, eta diskoetako irudiekin.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:72 - பதிப்புக் கட்டுப்பாட்டு அமைப்புகள் (revision control systems), Dropbox, மற்றும் வட்டு கோப்புகளுக்கான டால்பின் ஒருங்கிணைப்பு.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:74 - Інтеграція Dolphin з системами керування версіями, Dropbox та образами дисків.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:49 - Dolphin-integration af revisionsstyringssystemer, Dropbox, og disk-imagefiler.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:61 - Integratie van Dolphin voor revisie besturingssystemen, Dropbox en images van schijven.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:55 - Dolphin-integrointi versionhallintajärjestelmille, Dropboxille ja levykuvatiedostoille.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:50 - Integration von Versionsverwaltungssystemen, Dropbox und Datenträgerabbildern in Dolphin.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:59 - Integrazione con Dolphin per i sistemi di controllo di revisione, per Dropbox e per le immagini disco.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:51 - Dolphin integration for revision control systems, Dropbox, and disk images.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:70 - Dolphinova integracija za nadzorne sisteme verzij izvornih programov, Dropbox in slike diskov.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:62 - Dolphin-integrering med versjonskontrollsystem, Dropbox og diskbilete.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:44 - Dolphin integration for revision control systems, Dropbox, and disk images.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:65 - Integração do Dolphin com sistemas de controlo de versões, o Dropbox e imagens de discos.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:73 - Sürüm kontrol sistemleri, Dropbox ve disk görüntüleri için Dolphin bütünleştirmesi.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:46 - Integració al Dolphin per a sistemes de control de revisions, Dropbox i imatges de disc.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:45 - Versiyaya nəzarət sistemi və həmçinin Dropbox və disk rəqəmsal təsvirləri üçün Dolphin inteqrasiyası.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:52 - Integración en Dolphin de sistemas de control de versiones, Dropbox e imágenes de disco.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:58 - Integrasi Dolphin untuk sistem kendali revisi, Dropbox, dan citra disk.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:56 - Intégration de Dolphin avec les systèmes de gestion de versions, Dropbox et les images de disques.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:75 - Phần tích hợp vào Dolphin cho các hệ thống quản lí phiên bản, Dropbox, và ảnh đĩa.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:69 - Integrácia Dolphinu pre systémy na správu revízií, Dropbox a obrazy diskov.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:68 - Поддержка работы с системами управления версиями, а также с Dropbox и образами дисков.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:47 - Integració al Dolphin per a sistemes de control de revisions, Dropbox i imatges de disc.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:67 - Integrează Dolphin cu sisteme de control al versiunilor, Dropbox și imagini de disc.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:66 - Integração do Dolphin para sistemas de controle de versão, Dropbox e imagens de disco.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:57 - Integration de Dolphin per systemas de controlo de revision, Dropbox e images de disc.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.dolphin-plugins.metainfo.xml:48 - Integrace Dolphinu se systémy pro správu verzí, Dropboxem a obrazy disky.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).