⇦ | aura-browser [main]
Last updated on: 2024-11-17 12:52 [UTC]

Hints for aura-browser in main

org.kde.aura-browser ⚙ amd64


  • description-missing
    Software components of type 'desktop-application' require a long description, and we were unable to find one. Please add one via a MetaInfo file.


  • desktop-entry-category-invalid
    The category name Internet is invalid. The software can not be shown in this category.
  • no-metainfo
    This software component is missing a MetaInfo file to provide metadata.
    We currently took some data from its desktop-entry file and the long description of the package it is located in.
    This has several disadvantages, like poor markup, too technical descriptions for users of software centers, different components having the same description, etc.
    Additionally, a lot of software with desktop-entry files should either not be installable and searchable via the software catalog (like desktop-specific settings applications) or be tagged accordingly via MetaInfo files.
    Please consider to either hide this desktop-entry file from AppStream by adding a X-AppStream-Ignore=true field to it, or to write a MetaInfo file for this component and send it upstream.
    Generating components from non-MetaInfo files is deprecated, if you do not add a MetaInfo file, this software may vanish from the metadata catalog (and if it is a GUI application, no longer be visible in software centers) in a future distribution release.
    You can consult the MetaInfo quickstart guides for more information on how to write a MetaInfo file, or file a bug with the upstream author of this software component.

org.kde.invent.aura_browser ⚙ amd64


  • gui-app-without-icon
    The component is a GUI application (application which has a .desktop file for the XDG menu and Type=Application), but we could not find a matching icon for this application.


  • missing-launchable-desktop-file
    The MetaInfo file references a .desktop file with ID 'org.aura.browser.desktop' in its launchable tag, but the file was not found in the same source tree. In order to be able to launch the software once it was installed, please place the MetaInfo file and its .desktop files in the same package.


  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.invent.aura_browser.metainfo.xml:47 - Navegador para unha experiencia completamente absorbente con Big Screen que permite navegar Internet cun mando a distancia.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.invent.aura_browser.metainfo.xml:46 - Navigateur pour une immersion totale sur grand écran, vous permettant de naviguer sur Internet à l'aide de votre télécommande.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-content-rating-missing
    org.kde.invent.aura_browser.metainfo.xml -
    This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/